Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Best Student Council Speech Ever

Sadly, Jackson lost his campaign for Student Council Treasurer, but not without some drama. The treasurer position ended up in a tie, so at the end of the school day they held a revote, then he lost by 1 vote!

We are still super proud. It's pretty amazing to get as far along as he did in the campaign, being a new student this school year, competing with older kids who have been with the school since kindergarten, and most of all, to get in front of the entire student body and give the coolest speech in student council history! (OK, the last part is just my opinion.)

Thanks again to everyone for the kind words and support. I know the last thing anyone wants to see or hear is bragging about someone else's child -- so all the messages are much appreciated.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Jan Allmon for 2012 Best Mom on Wheels

I am so excited that my friend Jaclyn Allmon's mother Jan Allmon is a finalist in the Christopher Reeve 2012 Best Mom on Wheels. Voting at