Friday, July 20, 2012

The white fillings in are teeth are made out of BPA! Healing teeth | Stock Photo © Dmitriy Shironosov #10730087

BPA stands for bisphenol A. BPA is an industrial chemical that has been used to make certain plastics and resins since the 1960s. The National Toxicology Program at the Department of Health and Human Services has some concern about the possible health effects of BPA on the brain, behavior and prostate gland of fetuses, infants and children. The Food and Drug Administration now shares the concern and is taking steps to reduce human exposure to BPA in the food supply by finding alternatives to BPA in food containers.
Thanks again to the Feingold Association for their continued research on behavioral issues.  In their July issue of eNews, Feingold posts an article titled "Now What?" This article describes a connection between the fillings in our teeth and behavior. Shocking!

Now What?

Ever since we realized that amalgam fillings were 50% mercury, many of us have been opting for "white" fillings as a safer choice. They certainly are prettier. But ARE they safer?

Now we find that these fillings - and the dental sealants that are supposed to protect our children from fillings - are all made with BPA. Yes - that stuff we have been trying to get out of baby bottles and food can linings. We are actually paying to have it put directly into our kids' (and our own) mouths.

New research shows that children receiving such fillings lose "just a few" points on a neurobehavioral scale, becoming "just a little" more moody, more aggressive, and less well adjusted.

I have tried to find both sides of the issue, so - if you have teeth - read more here:

Feingold Association. "Now What?" - 
"Putting BPA-based Dental Fillings In Perspective - Science News." - Science News
Horowitz, Janice. "Dueling Docs: Are Dental Sealants Safe for Kids?" - The Huffington Post

Thursday, July 19, 2012

PLEASE READ: I Wear Royal Blue - One Month and Not One Word from United Airlines

I Wear Royal Blue: One Month and Not One Word from United Airlines: My mother, Jan Allmon, became paralyzed at T8 in March of 2011 from a neurological condition known as transverse myelitis. Until our vac...

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Check out DC Burger Boys at Metro 29 Diner

DC Burger Boys: Metro 29 Diner: DC Burger Boys blog relaunch begins on Burger Boy Rileigh's 13th birthday with breakfast at Arlington's Metro 29 Diner. This place is great ...

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Don't Get Burned! - EWG’s Guide to Summer Sun

This summer, don’t get burned! Check out EWG’s Guide to Summer Sun. Did you know that one sunburn in childhood doubles your chance of developing skin cancer? Can you guess how much money the sunscreen industry makes every year from products that rarely work?

Get the facts. Read EWG’s updated summer 2012 list of the best beach & sport sunscreens;  research on sunscreens exposed; and their guide to summer sun infograph below.

All info from EWG (