Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Great Product for Parents of Children with Food Allergies

Allerbling wristband
Allerbling - Allergy Awareness wristband

Our family is lucky that we do not suffer from food allergies. Although, we avoid several ingredients for health/focus/behavior issues, nothing is life threatening.

We have family, friends, and neighbors who are not as fortunate, and suffer from severe food allergies. I have seen how frightening it can be for those parents to send their child to school or to a friends house because they feared for their child's life.

Allerbling has created a simple visual education tool for children ages 3 and up. The Allerbling wristband notifies teachers/caregivers to the child's food allergies, as well as opens up conversation to help that child to talk about what foods they can and cannot eat. Plus it's super cute!

Allerbling donates a portion of every full Allerbling Kit to the Food Allergy Initiative (FAI).

Do not let food allergies defeat you!


  1. Well, it just so happens that my really good friend has a daughter with a peanut allergy and has been looking for a cute/fun medical bracelet. She was psyched to find out about this. Success! Thanks!
    -Karen T.
